Choosing between devise and clearance

These gems can really help your rails app on user control major incrediable roles

Gem names plataformatec’s_Devise thoughtbot’s Clearance
Summary MVC/10modules&more extentions small & simple
Install rails generate devise:install rails generate clearance:install
  rails generate devise MODEL (create migration for you)
other Auth by OmniAuth nil
mailComfirm bkg ActiveJob/ActionMailer bkg (deliver_later/ActionMailer)
PassWdReset Recoverable&Confirmable Yes
Session cookie Timeoutable&Rememberable Yes (by Rack session)
Sign-up Validatable & Lockable SignInGuard
I18n yes yes(even path names)
Track/log Yes nil
testing Test helpers yes with factory_girl_rails
    (rails generate clearance:specs)


Here is a great tutorial of Devise can be found on Ruby girls. Or you can use Rais Composer to install Devise on a new Rails project by the command rails new myapp -m Alternatively, you can install ActiveAdmin gem, which will automatically install Devise for you.

Clearance: Here’s how I setup it

rails new clearance -B
echo "gem 'clearance'" >> clearance/Gemfile
echo "gem 'bcrypt'"      >> clearance/Gemfile
echo "gem 'faker'"       >> clearance/Gemfile
cd clearance && bundle install
rails generate scaffold User username email password
echo "10.times { User.create(username: Faker::Internet.user_name, email:, password: '1') }" >> db/seeds.rb
rake db:migrate
rails generate clearance:install
rake db:migrate
rails generate mailer UserMailer
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
open http://localhost:3000/users
rails s
echo 'Please patch config and then db migrate before restart rails server'

Don’t forget to change local mailing setting if it’s on localhost

Clearance post installation

Next steps:

1. Configure the mailer to create full URLs in emails:

    # config/environments/{development,test}.rb
    config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost:3000' }

    In production it should be your app's domain name.

2. Display user session and flashes. For example, in your application layout:

    <% if signed_in? %>
      Signed in as: <%= %>
      <%= button_to 'Sign out', sign_out_path, method: :delete %>
    <% else %>
      <%= link_to 'Sign in', sign_in_path %>
    <% end %>

<% flash.each do |key, value| %>
<%= value %>
<% end %>
3. Migrate: rake db:migrate *******************************************************************************

Published: March 20 2015

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