My learning showed a distinct thinking style

I am not who I wasJackJackSupercharged

Before the first phase of the DBC "phase 0", we were requested to read something about mindset and thinking style. Our reflection and conclusion, if any, was required to submitted before the start of the curriculum.

"Whatever," I thought, "it's really wired, I'm here to learn development, not Psychology"

Thus I finished that questionnaires, it showed my learning style was multi model, focusing Concrete Sequential and Abstract Sequential. I then filled the form and submitted. Didn't think too much

Time actually flies, it's been 3 weeks after our beginning of phase 0. I have learned so much, quite an experience, at least never that quickly in recent years. To name a few, Git, HTML/CSS and some Ruby. I tried to avoid learning CSS in the past, and now after learning it step by step on CodeSchool, I found it's not that hard, and happily become beneficial of a growth mindset.

I am actually found myself tend to learn by try and error. For example, for CSS/HTML, I like the JSfiddle setting, or tilting windows of local browser and editor. For git I created some toy repos and tried to push and pull between Github and my two computers. For Ruby coding I like to have a IRB around to test new tricks learned from StackOverflow. I cannot learn the idea without actually doing it. Looks like my learning style actually becoming a multi-modal of CONCRETE RANDOM and ABSTRACT SEQUENTIAL, not what it appeared to be.

I still don't know if that's a good thing to learn by this way, but I will keep it up. My current biggest challenge is still time management since I always try to do the best, and it's so easy to find another better way to do web pages or Ruby coding. I usually end up with using much more time than planned. Hopefully I can improve the timing skill at the next unit.


Published: December 06 2014

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